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HazRad Australia is proud to have experience across a broad range of sectors




Local / State / Federal

HazRad can provide all levels of government with clear, auditable processes solving a range of waste management issues whilst developing innovative and cost-effective solutions that deliver value to all stakeholders.


Services for local, state and federal government departments include:

  • Management of general waste

  • Management of recycling commodities

  • Management of household hazardous waste

  • Remediation of clandestine laboratories post forensic analysis

  • Emergency response handling of hazardous materials

  • Waste electrical equipment recycling

  • Waste management consulting



HazRad has developed a deep understanding of the unique systems and compliance involved at the top level. In this highly regulated sector we comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements and have built strong working relationships based on consistent delivery and trust.

It has been publicly cited, many Australian Defence site have legacy PFAS contaminated waste streams. Hazrad can provide mobile in-situ and ex-situ treatment and disposal services around the country.



From desalination to power, waste water treatment plants to telecommunications, the utilities sector provide essential infrastructure and services to the public and industry.

All of these sectors are acutely aware that good environmental management not only meets state and federal requirements but are also a key indicator on the efficiency of the service provision.


HazRad have worked with all sectors of the utilities industry and have gained an intimate knowledge of wastes and environmental issues associated with the power, water, waste water and telecommunications industries.


Examples of the services HazRad can provide to your organisation include;


  • Transformer decontamination and recycling

  • PCB and Non PCB waste disposal

  • SF6 recovery and reuse

  • Power pole management and disposal

  • Capacitor disposal

  • Contaminated soil remediation and disposal

  • Cable recycling



  • Desalination sludge

  • Process & maintenance chemical management

  • Filtration media management

  • Treatment reagent disposal

  • Redundant chemical disposal

  • Pit water disposal



Mining waste comes in many forms and varies from harmless to highly hazardous. Much of it has little or no economic value but the mining industry is making an effort to find new uses for waste to reduce environmental impacts. And with the prices of commodities moving up and down by large amounts, what may be waste today can suddenly become a valuable resource tomorrow.


HazRad always looks for alternative avenues and provides solutions tailored specific to your needs. We are capable of handling;

  • PFAS contaminated material

  • Hydrocarbon waste management

  • Ammonium nitrate emulsion disposal

  • Remediation of contaminated soils

  • Spent catalysts or hazardous chemicals

  • Land farm development or remediation

  • Redundant chemicals

Oil & Gas


The oil and gas industry in the North West is driving our energy future, and HazRad can help you get the job done right. HazRad can be your sole source provider for construction, remediation, treatment, disposal, site maintenance – and much more.


Some of our comprehensive waste management solutions include;


  • Spent synthetic oil based and water-based drilling muds

  • Activated charcoal & sludge

  • Cementing and completion wastes

  • Bilge and mud tank decontamination and cleaning

  • Mercury based waste

  • Maintenance based chemicals

  • Refinery reagents and hydrocarbon contaminated liquids & sludges

  • Spent catalyst management

  • NORMS (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials)

  • Glycols and other treatment chemicals

  • Hydrocarbon conditioning chemicals

Chemical & Manufacturing


The chemical and manufacturing industries produce some of the most hazardous and challenging waste, so trust HazRad to help manage your organisation's hazardous waste.


Hazardous waste from the petrochemicals industry can have a wide variety of properties, wastes ranging from contaminated waters, to production by-products, and even surplus stock and products all needing specialist assessment and treatment.



Hazardous waste from the agrochemicals sector can present some of the greatest environmental challenges. Herbicides, and pesticides, often prove to be some of the trickiest wastes to safely dispose of.



Hazardous waste from the pharmaceutical industry can present unique properties, as often they can pose a specific risk to human health.



The Healthcare sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in Australia. As the population grows and progressively becomes older, healthcare waste management is becoming an increasingly important area for Australia.


Service delivery is paramount in this fast moving environment where medical waste is to be collected and treated following closely audited processes and procedures.


Common challenges which HazRad manages;

  • Unused medicines secure disposal

  • Medical and medical research equipment

  • Cytotoxic and radioactive waste management

  • Halogenated & halogenated waste

  • Chlorinated & non-chlorinated waste

  • HPLC Waste

  • Lab chemicals & reagents

  • Mercury and mercury contaminated materials



If your business generates significant amounts of organic waste, you should consider our organic recycling option. Not only can it reduce your general waste costs, it keeps a reusable resource out of landfill.


Food scraps and bulk organic waste is turned into compost, mulch, and, in some cases, nutrient intensive liquid fertilizer. It’s a great result for your waste costs and the environment.


HazRad can also assist with;

  • Grease trap servicing

  • Hygiene services

  • Sewer, drain cleaning, CCTV services



Being part of a complex supply chain can be a challenge, if your organisation is left with redundant stock or unused product make sure it is disposed of in a safe and compliant manner.


New Chain of Responsibility Laws are in full effect and HazRad are here to help you manage your hazardous waste effectively.


HazRad can assist with;

  • Secure destruction

  • Lubricants & waste oils

  • Quarantine services

  • Wash bay servicing

  • Emergency spill response

  • Waste packaging – polystyrene, shrink wrap, carboard

  • Supply of spill kits and absorbents

24-hour emergency response

If you have an emergency spill and need a quick response, call in the experts.


HazRad is here for you around the clock with responsive, sustainable waste management.

© 2023 HazRad Australia. Proudly created by point>design

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